
The College Café situated in the campus offers a wide variety of delicacies to choose from. From a great selection of cakes, cookies to hot and cold coffees and juices, it is favourite hub among the students. It is a place where most of the discussions take place, right from entrepreneurial ideas to light conversation about movies, music or sports. It provides a relaxing atmosphere for a pure undiluted time of goodness.

Cafeteria – The college cafeteria in the sprawling campus provides a vibrant atmosphere and unleaded fuel for the day. The spacious hall accommodates a large number of students at a time and a well-ventilated infrastructure brings in a flow of healthy air and keeps it free of unpleasant odor. The cafeteria serves as an ideal place for healthy eating with freshly prepared nutritious food that takes care of the dietary needs of the students. Experienced chefs take care to ensure that each meal is in tandem with the parameters of taste and health. Food is prepared and served in hygienic conditions and under strict supervision

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