July 17th, 2019 Posted by SICC
Plantation Drive by SICCians

“A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

The Rotaract Club Members of SICC have always been actively involved in philanthropic activities with great enthusiasm. A Plantation drive was organised by the club members on Tuesday, July 16, 2019. The team planted around 30 trees and saplings with great enthusiasm and spirit. Vouching for their protection and healthy growth map, the team tended to the freshly planted ones with water and manure.

The young team also went a step further and through beautifully decorated placards with slogans on the importance of planting trees, they created awareness in the general public in and around the areas of Patia and Prasanti Vihar. The students conveyed the importance of “Planting their own Oxygen Insurance Policy” through the road rally and street awareness activity.

Among others present were Shri Arabinda Das, Director-Administration, SAI International Group and Ms. Sweta Leena Hota, Vice Principal, SICC. Ms. Hota said that “Such activities make these young students feel more accountable and responsible for their existence on this god-gifted plant.”

Forest acts as a giant filter that cleans the air we breathe and a mature, leafy tree produces as much oxygen during a season as 10 people inhale in a whole year. They have numerous benefits like they act as wind breaks, fight soil erosion, are carbon sinks, slow storm water runoff, helps in controlling flood, clean the soil and many more.

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