The Buchim Legacy
“He doesn’t have what it takes to be a winner”; a man shouted when the fighter in a hoodie was making his way to the ring. “He is too young to create history”, shouted another. As the fighter strode, his thoughts wandered whether their family legacy will be buried now or later. He had a fight ahead.
The Buchims legacy in boxing started when Dave’s grandfather, John Buchim maintained an undefeated streak of 25-0, carried forward by his son, Shane Buchim to 50-0. They were believed to be the most dominant fighters in the mixed martial art combat sport because they had it in their bloodline. One ideal defined them, “Win like the best or die like the rest”. The strength or force of the opponents did not scare them but losing faith and confidence in oneself was the end. Shane had told Dave every time “We fight to compete against ourselves and against the demon inside us. We fight with every inch of bone and pinch of blood in our body”. With every drop of blood, sweat and tear, the Buchims aimed to be the face of the combat sport. They weren’t the modest people, they were the bold ones. But even with this rage and stance of a brilliant fighter, they knew being good human beings was more important than anything else.
“Dave, Shane will live in our hearts forever” another in the crowd shouted. He was too young to handle his father’s demise. Tears welled up in his eyes and his broad sinewy chest ached from the pain in his heart. With blood gushing through his young veins, he was certain that he will make his ancestors proud but he didn’t know how.
It was 1994, and no legal action was taken against Clarence Carter III for knuckling Shane Buchim to death after a defeating match. That final strike echoed in the streets of Dexica. The Carters’ only knew how to break two things – either bones or rules. Clarence Carter III yelled after killing Shane Buchim “I’ve been nominated to wipe this legacy”.
The Carters were involved in drug-trafficking, women trafficking and smuggling. Sam Carter, brother of Clarence, was running for the mayor. As they knew they were unpopular in people’s hearts, they chose to instil fear in their minds through a lethal fight against the Buchims.
As Dave walked to the ring, he saw his father’s murderer Clarence Carter III, from the opened ring door. He unzipped himself revealing the scars of his training all over his chest, back and shoulders. For a moment, he stopped at the entrance, looked at the audience who wanted the good to win and who hold the legacy of Buchims in high regard. He whispered to himself before entering the ring “Father, this day, the good has to win over the bad, the light over the darkness and the reality over the shadow. Father, I pray you to bestow upon me everything I need to win this, to win every day, to win wherever I am and whatever I’m doing. Father, please be with me”. The lock clicked. The Carters cannot escape their fate and the Buchims cannot escape their fears.
Their eyes locked. Dave didn’t offer his hand for a customary handshake. Carter murmured, loud enough for Dave to hear, “I’m going to kill you too and bury the Buchims alive”. To this, Dave smirked because he knew he would win it. The bell clanged and time freezed. Thrilling air of anticipation settled over the crowd. The crowd roared “Buchims! Buchims!” and Dave heard his grandfather “Hold your head high son; this is the hype Buchims lived in, are living and will live forever”.
Dave heard his fathers’ voice say “Today, you’re going to put in everything I taught you since your childhood. Today you’re going to encounter the demons I had trained you for”. Dave moved to the centre and could feel the weight on his shoulders because it was no longer just a fight but a war of legacies. Suddenly, the crowd cheered, “Shane! Shane! Shane!” and Dave got confused whether the voice of his father had made a physical transformation.
Dave heard his father’s voice again; “I’ve won these people’s hearts. Today, you’re going to win them too. So get ready with your fists on”. Carter could see Buchim positioning his fists and moving in. With just two seconds gone of the first round, Dave heard again “Do you remember the times when you had to withold your views for being black skinned? Do you remember, how people discriminated, misbehaved and tormented us for belonging to our own race?” These words sent Dave in a memory flashback when his father struggled, fought and cried for a peaceful living. People back then hardly knew about the Buchims.
Carters’ blood spilled as Dave delivered an unexpected forceful punch in a split second. Taken aback, Carter initiated a move to grapple. As he was about to grab Buchim, Dave heard again “I want you to be different, not like the ones who sit and do nothing. I want you to be brave like a person of actions and value. Dodge with every part of your body and show them that you have no limits”. Buchim dodged and Carter missed him. Carter turned back at the earliest and was about to hold Buchim from the back for a rear-naked-choke but Dave already had floored his palms on the support of right knee. Dave could now give mind replies to his father, “You are my hero and I am not letting you go down neither the legacy”. Buchim clobbered Carter’s face with his elbow.
It is then that he sensed his worst nightmares walking towards him – the people he had killed, the women he had harrassed. He could feel the scorching heat of fire with which he burned down places and humans alive. And then he saw Shane standing right where Dave was standing a second ago. Dave was delivering an elbow shot and Carter could feel the punch of Shane. Another blow hit Carters’ face and his nose broke. But Carter still could not comprehend who it was – Shane Buchim or Dave Buchim. Carter wondered if it was Dave, then how a man half his age could do this.
With just seven seconds gone, the referee had to stop the match. It was TKO. For Carter, the genesis was the end itself. Buchim was on his foot to listen to the chants “Dave! Dave!” but he heard “Shane! Shane!”. The people made him unforgettable because he fought for his dreams, his legacy, his passion, his bloodline and his father. This proved that the Buchims were indomitable. None expected Dave to TKO a lethal opponent double his age, the one who killed his father within 7 seconds.
“And the winner of the match by TKO within 7 seconds of the first bout, holding the streak undefeated at 51-0, Dave Buchim”
By: Kotni Hruday Kumar, B.Com 2nd Semester
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